Vancleave High School Athletics

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Vancleave High School
athletic director student advisory council


The Vancleave High School Student Athletic Director Student Advisory Council is a student-administration partnership designed to create the top student activity association experience in the state of Mississippi. Students will have ownership in this process through building positive relationships, demonstrating passionate sportsmanship, and servant-leadership that adds value to every participant every day.


  • ·       To increase student attendance and active engagement at Vancleave High School MHSAA events.
  • ·       Create and strengthen a bond between players, teams and coaches.
  • ·       Promote high standards of conduct and sportsmanship within our school community.
  • ·       Build communication between administration, coaches, and student-athletes to enhance the athletic experience.
  • ·       Support and promote the commitment to community service and goodwill.

Council Member Responsibilities:

  • ·       Promote sportsmanship in the interscholastic activity program
  • ·       Supervise financial accounts of all athletic teams
  • ·       Act as a role model for fellow athletes
  • ·       Mentor younger athletes
  • ·       Speak with and advise middle school athletes
  • ·       Report concerns from fellow athletes to the AD
  • ·       Suggest improvements to the program based on the athlete’s perspective
  • ·       Community Service

2021-2022 Council Members

Allee Terry - Girls Powerlifting

Anna Parker - Girls Bowling

Asher Henley - Football

Aubrey Brooks - Girls Cross Country

Ava McRaney - Girls Track

Brayden McKey - Baseball (President)

Bryn Daughtery - Softball

Caleb Bang - Football

Cody Drzewiecki - Boys Soccer

Dominick Phillips - Band

Eli Rouse - Boys Bowling

Ethan Babineaux - Bass Fishing

Ethan Senseney - Football

Hannah Heffner - Dance

Holden Mattison - Tennis (Vice President)

Hunter Waltman - Boys Powerlifting

John Peterson - Archery

Kade Medlen - Boys Basketball

Kaden Barnes - eSports

Kaley Davis - Girls Swim

Kam Medlen - Boys Track

Kennedy Parish - Girls Soccer

Lana Beth Nicholson - Girls Basketball (Secretary)

Lyndi Bakker - Volleyball

Luke Brister - Boys Cross Country

McKenna Dycus - Girls Golf

Patricia Morgan - Band

Riley Campbell - Cheer

Shane Michael Smith - Boys Swim

Tim Bawcum - Boys Golf

Trenton Rayborn - Choir


I.                 Council Make-Up

a.     Member representative(s) from each of the 29 MHSAA activities offered at Vancleave High School (Based off of previous school year):

1)     1 representative for teams/groups with 1-30 members in grades 9-12

2)     2 representatives for teams/groups with 31-60 members in grades 9-12

3)     3 representatives for teams/groups with 61-90 members in grades 9-12

4)     4 representatives for teams/groups with 91+ members in grades 9-12

b.     Teams/groups represented

1)     Archery

2)     Baseball

3)     Bass Fishing

4)     Boys Basketball

5)     Boys Bowling

6)     Boys Cross Country

7)     Boys Golf

8)     Boys Powerlifting

9)     Boys Soccer

10)  Boys Swim

11)  Boys Track

12)  Cheer

13)  Choir

14)  Dance

15)  eSports

16)  Football

17)  Girls Basketball

18)  Girls Bowling

19)  Girls Cross Country

20)  Girls Golf

21)  Girls Powerlifting

22)  Girls Soccer

23)  Girls Swim

24)  Girls Track

25)  Band

26)  Softball

27)  Tennis

28)  Volleyball

c.      Members are elected by Head Coach and/or Athletic Director

d.     Each group/team will be represented by a Junior or Senior

e.     If a team does not have a Junior or Senior, a Sophomore may be substituted

f.       Groups/teams that qualify for more than 2 representatives may have 1 sophomore representative

g.     No groups/teams may have a freshman representative


h.     3 Officers will be elected by the council. No team/group may have a representative possession more than 1 officer position. These positions will be elected by the council.

1)     President

2)     Vice President

3)     Secretary

i.       The Athletic Director, Principal, and members must attend all meetings. Habitual absences or tardies may result in removal from the council

j.       Members who quit or are removed from a team may no longer attend meetings

II.               Meeting Schedule

a.     Meetings will occur at least once each month @ 7:15 am on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month.

b.     A printed agenda will be available

III.              Meeting Ground Rules

a.     No discussion of individual persons

b.     No discussion of personality conflicts

c.      No bad-mouthing of coaches, athletes, or teams

d.     All meeting should be geared to improvement of the activity program at Vancleave High School

IV.             Suggested Topics for discussion

a.     Discussion of Vancleave High School rules, policies, and regulations

b.     Discussion of MHSAA rules, policies and regulations

c.      Any ideas for improvement in the total activity program at Vancleave High School

d.     Discussion of gender equity issues

e.     Discussion of sportsmanship issues

f.       Discussion of financial issues

g.     Discussion of NCAA and recruiting issues

h.     Leadership discussions

V.               School/Community Outreach

a.     Discuss ways to help promote Vancleave activities in Middle School and Elementary schools.

b.     Discuss ways to do community service and involved community is Vancleave activities.

c.      Promote Vancleave activities in a positive way in school and community.

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